Urbanism concerns all of us. The Brussels Region has decided to allocate a portion of its resources and launch a new call for projects focusing on participation in urban development, awareness raising and support for innovation.
Having the goal to offer the equal chance to all associations that are active or interested in the field of urbanism, on the initiative of Pascal Smet (the new secretary of state in charge of Urbanism), Urban.brussels has launched this large call for projects.
“This is an innovation which is close to my heart. Because good urban planning must be taught and valued, because Brussels must protect and promote its heritage even better, because Brussels is full of goodwill and experts. For all these reasons, I wanted the widest possible call for projects accessible to everyone. Urbanism must concern all of us! I therefore invite all Brussels associations to submit their project before 8th of May.”
PASCAL SMET, Brussels state secretary for urbanism
The call for projects is launched for associations. They are asked to propose projects and initiatives enabling and developing public awareness and emulation of the sector (architecture, cultural heritage and urban planning).
The objective is to involve Brussels associations, through concrete actions, in the urban fabric of Brussels, a dynamic concept including a look at the city’s past, while remaining anchored in the present, even looking to the future. .
Four categories have been defined for the 2020 call for projects:
- Awareness initiatives on contemporary architecture and urban planning
- Cultural heritage awareness initiatives (real estate, furniture and intangible)
- Initiatives supporting innovation in architecture and town planning
- Initiatives activating professional networks and / or participatory approaches
The projects will be evaluated and chosen on the basis of the following criteria:
- leverage
- the innovative character
- activated partnerships
- impact (local, national and / or international)
- social impact
Applications must be submitted by May 8th 2020. More info on the Urban.Brussels website.