It’s not every day that a new magazine appears in Brussels. Launched by the Port of Brussels on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, magazine ’14’ was distributed for the first time to the general public during the Iris festival on May 7th. This new publication has the goal to be the magazine for the port neighbourhoods. It will be published three times a year.
All those interested can subscribe to the magazine free of charge and receive it at home. The first issue, printed in 5,000 copies, will be distributed in about sixty places all around the port districts.
Why ’14’?
The canal crosses through Brussels for the length of 14 kilometres. It runs along many neighbourhoods, representative of the diversity of Brussels in such an authentic and natural way that it constitutes a real link which brings together and unites the inhabitants of the different districts in the city. The magazine ’14’ will therefore be a great opportunity to talk about the neighbourhoods bordering the waterway and to shine a spotlight on the energy and creativity that reigns there.

14 also has its own website – This is where the content of the paper magazine will be accessible, accompanied by the videos and images. The creation of this magazine is part of the Port of Brussels communication strategy which aims to strengthen the visibility of the Port and its actions for the benefit of the city and its inhabitants. The Port also hopes to strengthen the sense of belonging and pride among the inhabitants of the Port’s districts.