The second edition of the NATIONA(A)L Artist Market will be held this autumn, in the heart of Belgium’s capital. This event is aimed at winning back the general public by taking them on surprising and poetic journeys of discovery, whilst shaking up the lines between traditional exhibitions, markets and fairs.
During 3 days in Brussels, 130 artists and local cultural initiatives selected by a jury of professionals from each sector will have the opportunity to exhibit and sell their productions, and to stimulate and rekindle the enthusiasm of the general public for the Belgian art scene!
Both an immersive experience and an exclusive event for the up-andcoming contemporary art scene, the NATIONA(A)L Artist Market will give you the opportunity to directly meet the artists from its digital platform, whilst selling their artwork and the products of local cultural initiatives. Their different products and limited editions will be brought together in a layout that is arranged by price range and the following disciplines: Visual Arts, Design, Fashion, Publishing and Music.

La selection:
21A, Ateliers JetJ – Alsemberg 110 with Quentin Caillaud x Cécilia Ripesi, Marine Julié, Tommy Lhomme, Eléonore Joulin, Fanny Lopez, Karla Sutra. , Avenue du Roi > Benjamin Ottoz, Olivia Descampe, Safia Hijos, Studio Biskt, Balades Sonores Brussels , BNKR Studio, Chairytales, Coseincorso, CUISTAX, Current Antwerp, Eggwave workset, Elena van Dijck, Elvira De Pelsmacker, Eva Lynen, Fatal Le Vestiaire, Frizbee Ceramics, Studio Gilles Werbrouck x Hugues Loinard Studio, Grafik, Haus 303, Hélène Drénou x Corinne Chotycki, Hey Jude Design, Hitch Concept, Jeans Lab, Justyna Kuklo, Les Yeux Dans Les Yeux, Leslie Ferré, THE LIB ATELIER, Louise Devin, Louise Van Reeth, Manuel Leromain, Martha Samyn, Martin Boissard, Martin Coiffier, Mattia Listowski, Maxime Yde, MER. Edition, Nastasia Fine, Numbered by, Objects & Sounds, Olgette Ceramics, Paradox Brussels, Ramène ta chaise, Sample Slow Jewelry, Socksial, Sophie Vanhomwegen x Lucas Rollin, Stay Calma, Stéphane Dethy, Studio Helder & plein d’autres !
The Belgian local art scene in a few clicks
NATIONALSTORE.BE is an online platform which enables users to discover and meet local artists who are active in the world of fashion, visual arts, design, books and/or music, and buy their products. The mission of this space for the promotion and diffusion of local artists is to become the biggest online marketplace for local artists’ products.
NATIONA(A)L Artist Market
From 04/11/2022 to 06/11/2022
Maison de la Poste, Rue Picard 5/7, 1000, Bruxelles Belgium
12:00 AM – 08:00 PM