On the proposal of Prime Minister Rudi Vervoort, Minister of Finance and Budget Sven Gatz and Secretary of State for Economic Transition Barbara Trachte, the Brussels Government has today approved the first measures to support the local economy – the government releases 110 million euros for companies that are struggling.
The measures include the following:
A one-time premium deposit for all businesses affected by the emergency measures and required to close.
The abolition of the City Tax by the Region for the first half of 2020;
A strong financial compensation for companies that are placed through the granting of government guarantees on bank loans, for a total of 20 million euros;
The assignment of special measures from Finance & Invest.brussels, to take the following initiatives:
– grant loans at low interest rates to key suppliers in the hospitality sector that allow them to offer their hospitality customers a longer payment term;
– grant loans at low interest rates to catering establishments employing more than 50 staff;
A moratorium on the repayment of capital on loans granted by Finance & Invest.brussels to affected companies from the above sectors;
The accelerated or premature treatment, recording and settlement of expansion aid for companies in the catering, tourism, cultural and event sectors;
Strengthening the support of companies in difficulty by increasing the allocation of the Center for Enterprises in Difficulty (COm).
These decisions by the regional government include a total support of EUR 110 million for companies that are struggling, especially in the most affected sectors such as the catering industry, the event sector, tourism, retail and organizers of recreational activities.
In addition, the Brussels government calls on all governments, administrations, public utilities and municipalities to take measures to demonstrate solidarity with the affected traders, including by postponing rent.
“The Brussels Region and the catering, tourism, events and culture sectors have been severely affected by the necessary measures to curb the spread of the Corona virus. The Brussels Government has received Horeca representatives several times and listened to their opinion. We are taking some strong actions today to support them and assure that they are not alone during this crisis. Therefore, a first tranche with the aid of EUR 110 million is released. But the Brussels Government will not stop there. The impact on society and employment is huge and we must be ready to tackle it in collaboration with our colleagues from the federal government and with the support of the European institutions.”
Brussels Prime Minister Rudi Vervoort
Brussels Minister of Finance and Budget Sven Gatz emphasised that with these support measures the Government wants to make an essential contribution to getting Brussels tourism, the cultural and economic sector through this difficult period as best as possible.
The city tax, the tax on hotels in Brussels, will be abolished for the first half of 2020. We are aware that the challenge is even greater today than after the 2016 terrorist attacks and their consequences, when the Brussels Government released EUR 35 million. ”
Sven gatz, Brussels Minister of Finance and Budget

The number of socio-economic measures taken by the government should allow Brussels companies and entrepreneurs to tackle this crisis without precedent. Particular attention is paid to the most affected sectors, including catering, tourism, events and culture.
Barbara Trachte, Secretary of State for Economic Transition explained that the government takes the responsibility to support our SMEs and traders.
Behind every company there are men and women in trouble that we want to reassure. We would also like to remind you that the telephone number 1819 answers all questions from entrepreneurs about the consequences of the Coronavirus.
Barbara Trachte, Secretary of State for Economic Transition
Photo: Aris Setya