ACAF (Accessible Art Fair) is now in its thirteenth year and is returning to Bozar with a new selection of under-represented artists from October 10-13. Founded by Canadian arts entrepreneur and curator, Stephanie Manasseh in 2006, her mission has always been to offer a platform to self-representing artists. Artists are selected by the jury comprised of art-world heavyweights to ensure the quality of the works presented.
October 10 – Opening event (by invitation only)
October 11 and 12 day time open to public
October 12 – Special DJ night with Simon de Pury
October 13 – day time open to public
Simon de Pury will DJ an evening session in presence of the artists and guests.
“For me, DJing is identical to auctioneering: If you’re an auctioneer you want everybody to be actively bidding, and so the one thing that gives me an equal kick is to DJ because you instantly see the results of your work.”
More info on the website of the fair.
Selection committee ACAF 2019:
Simon de Pury
Former Chief Auctioneer, Collector, DJ
Stephanie Manasseh
Founder, Accessible Art Fair and Art Consultant for luxury brands
Kenny Schachter
Curator, Art Dealer and Author
Serge Tiroche
Collector and Art Fund manager
Sylvain Levy
Co-founder Dsl Collection, Collector and Art Fund manager
John Volleman
Art and Design Dealer
Sophie Clauwaert
Art Consultant and Director of Art Expert
Melita Skamnaki
Curator and Co-Director Double Decker
Federica Beretta
Art Journalist and Gallery Director
Wilhelm Finger
Curator and Co-Director Double Decker
Shaune Arp
Sales Associate Gagosian Gallery
Frédéric de Senarclens
Art Dealer and Founder of ArtMarketGuru
Participating artists ACAF 2019:
Beddru (Italy), Jan Tervoort (The Netherlands), Paméla Maria Schellekens (The Netherlands), Dayron Gonzalez (Cuba), Cécile-Audrey Taurines (France), Juliette Agabra (France), Oliver Pavic (France), Jacques Deneef (Belgium), Truong Hoang Huy (Vietnam), Jean René Deravet Dappoigny (France), Cora Diaz F. (Peru), Claudia Landwehr (Germany), Victoria General (Canada), Red Moon Collective (Egypt-India-Pakistan), Christian De Wulf (Belgium), Joel Kuntz (USA), Manu De Mey (Belgium), Stefania Nazzal (Switzerland), Gilles Dusabe (Rwanda- Switzerland), Yonatan Ullman (Israel), Jehanne Hupin (Belgium), Fahar Al-Salih (Iraq), Marcus Callum (UK), Gerrit Matthijnssens (Belgium), Edward Rojas (Colombia), Richard Giacobetti (France), Pascal Mayeur (Belgium), Olivier Pirard (Belgium), Rafael Melendez (USA), Diana Valarezo (Ecuador), Krzysztof Szczurek (Poland), BrieucC (Belgium), Laetitia De Clercq (Belgium), Ross Lewis (USA), Myriam Eygemans (Belgium), Steven Thoelen (Belgium), Marco Schmidt (Belgium), Ikal Art Collective (Mexico-Argentina), Ellen Nauwynck (Belgium), Yann Guitton (France), Antar Dayal (Germany-USA), Sven Weigle (Germany), Ron Vissenberg (The Netherlands), Fab Rideti (France), VON ALLIN (Germany), Ilija Gubic (Serbia), Androulla Michael (UK-Cyprus), Naomi Kaempfe (Israel), Liya Jacobi (Israel), Studio Pratha (Italy), Nathan French (Wales), Jana Kleine-Kalmer (Germany), Jacques Meunier (Belgium)
Guest of Honour
Every year, ACAF chooses one exceptional artist as guest of honor. This year, young, Flemish photographer Marie Wynants is ACAF’s choice to put forward. Her image ‘Shades’ is our hero image for 2019.