Live Magazine is a show about reality, a living magazine, a unique performance. Ten journalists, photographers, film directors and artists take to the stage, one after the other, to share their take on Europe, using words, sounds and images.
Sharing narratives – of borders, exchanges, political negotiations and love – that are fundamental for the storytellers and unforgettable for their listeners. Discover these untold stories in real time, with no option of recording or replaying.
Instead of turning pages like a real magazine, Live Magazine was created for the stage and a live audience. No recording, zero replay. Everything happens in the here and now. It’s a living, ephemeral magazine that leaves no traces. Journalists, photographers, film directors and artists take to the stage to share their take on the world, with stories that are 99% true and 100% untold. They share stories using images, sounds, words, music that are fun, crazy, fundamental for the storytellers and unforgettable for the listeners.
“A lab of journalism. ” COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW
“Stories and performances to experience in the here and now or never.” LE SOIR
“You hear each other breathe in a living magazine.” LE MONDE
“Magical, elegant, relevant, right, essential.” L’EXPRESS
Thursday, 28 Mar 2019 at 20:00. Performance in French – event info
Tuesday, 18 Jun 2019 at 20:00 at 20:00. Performance in English – event info.
Source: BOZAR