#ZEROSEXISM is a campaign for awareness and empowerment against sexism and sexual harassment in Brussels. the campaign is led by Equal.Brussels, a Region of Brussels’ directorate for equal opportunities in the public service.
Did you know? 86% of Brussels women have experienced at least one form of sexual harassment, ranging from insistent glances to unwelcome questions or unwanted touching. Moreover, in recent months, especially on social networks, many testimonials of experiences of sexual harassment have been shared.
Therefore, among other things, equal.brussels and the Brussels Secretary of State for Equal Opportunities Bianca Debaets have decided to launch an awareness campaign and empowerment of the Brussels population around two issues: sexism and sexual harassment.
The campaign aims to fight against gender stereotypes which are often at the root of sexual harassment. Some of the interesting activities are planned for this campaign – actors have played scenes of sexism or sexual intimidation with the aim of checking how passersby react (or not). Those who decided to intervene were rewarded with a campaign t-shirt. Later on, these sequences were transformed into video capsules and they will constitute the heart of the digital campaign, diffused via social networks. In total, a dozen associations will lead, for one month, activities to fight against gender stereotypes, sexism and sexual harassment. The application “Do not touch my friend” will also be highlighted during this period.
For several months, in Belgium and internationally, many voices have been rising their voice against this issue (#notOK, #metoo, #balancetonporc) with the demand that concrete actions can be carried out. It is in this context that the campaign “0% sexism” is born in the Brussels Region.
“Often, women and men have been conditioned by gender stereotypes since childhood. Men are expected to behave in such a way or women to dress in such a way. And if these codes are not respected, it often leads some people to be able to act with utterly inappropriate words or attitudes. In extreme cases, it is outright sexual assault. That is why, in our fight against sexism and sexual intimidation, the fight against these gender stereotypes must occupy an important place,” – said Bianca Debaets, Brussels’ Secretary of State for Equal Opportunities.
“0% sexism” campaign will end with a free public event on Flagey on November 23rd.
More info on the official website of the #ZeroSexism campaign.