Plantes pour tous – an event that already exists in several big cities in France but this is the first time that affordable plant market comes to Brussels. Plants for all offers a Big Sale of Plants from €2, €5 and €10. For the occasion, their team will welcome you at the ‘Halles de Saint-Géry’.
Come hunt beautiful and cheap plants while enjoying this unique place right in the city center of Brussels.
• BIG SALE OF PLANTS: Cactus, succulents, tropical plants and outdoor plants at unique rates (€ 2, € 5 and € 10)
• POTTING WORKSHOP: buy or bring back your plant and your pot. Our botanist will repot your loves one. (price: € 2 excluding pot and plant)
• TERRARIUMS WORKSHOP. Buy your Terrarium kit and compose it with us during a particular session.
(Beginner level, price: 40 €)
• Terracotta pots, flower-pots holder and natural fertilizers from ‘La Belle Bouse’.
More informations :
Free entry.
Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 October from 10h to 19h
Halles de Saint-Gery, Place Saint-Gery 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
Payments with Lydia mobile application or cash.
Get ready, it’s gonna be the jungle!!