The Ommegang was originally a religious procession, founded in Brussels in 1348. Nowadays it is a folkloric event which was inaugurated in 1930. Every year around 1400 people in 16th-century costumes revive the atmosphere of the old times, showcasing the reign of Charles V, who had attended the original Ommegang in 1549.
This procession is in fact the oldest historical representation of Brussels. The diverse members of Brussels society participate in the procession on the streets of Brussels while thousands of tourists enjoy this amazing tradition. The event brings the spirit of middle ages (hundreds of flags, giants, folkloric characters, groups on horseback, imperial court…) to many different areas of the city during the three days in early July.
If you want to learn more about this festival and to discover the actual atmosphere, check our post from one of the previous editions – Photo story: Brussels during the Ommegang 2016!