A new edition of Creative Mornings is happening this Friday (March 16th) in Brussels. For those who are not familiar, Creative Mornings are popular breakfast lecture series for the creative community, organized in major cities (160+) all around the world. After a break for the last couple of months, the team has took the time to rearrange the organisation and to gather inspiration for a new year.
This month’s global theme is Courage, a strong theme, so we needed even stronger speakers with a very relevant story today in Brussels. Adriana Costa Santos and Bert Van Vossole, when seeing the growing number of refugees in the city, decided not to wait for big organisations to do something but took matters into their own hands. They work day and night to improve the situation for the refugees, helping and taking actions that make an impact.
Six months ago, Adriana and Bert, with the volunteers of the Citizen Platform for Support of Refugees in Brussels started a Facebook group to offer a safe and warm night to the refugees in transit in Brussels. Today more than 500 people are given shelter every night. An exceptional example of humanity offered every single day by common people throughout Belgium. The results are unlikely encounters, cultural exchange, many laughs, some tears, empathy, recognition, many many big smiles and the feeling of being an actual human person (on both sides).