WeLoveBrussels recommends the lecture by Brussels Academy and BOZAR, titled ‘How can Brussels save Europe?’. The event will take place in Bozar on Tuesday, 13th of June at 18:30.
The European Union is in crisis. Union of member countries, threatened by exits, nationalism and populism, budgetary crises. Brussels is a problem. A problem when it comes to reforms of the Belgian state, managing the two communities, multiculturalism… What parallels can be drawn between the two issues? What crisis recovery strategies? And, can Brussels, as capital of Europe, show us the way?
BOZAR looks for answers to these questions with Eric Corijn, Emeritus Professor of Social and Cultural Geography at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Practical info: Tuesday/Mardi/Dinsdag 13/06, 18:30 – 20:30, BOZAR (Rue Ravensteinstreet 23, 1000 BRU)
If you are interested in further readings regarding this topic, we strongly recommend the blog of Laurent Vermeersch, named The City Geek. He wrote a piece on the related topic – If mayors ruled the European Union. Here’s an excerpt from his article:
In his latest book If mayors ruled the world Barber describes why cities should have a bigger say in national and world affairs. Talking at the Cities of Tomorrow conference in Brussels last week, the author made clear that this also applies to the EU. “Just like the nation state, the super state that is the EU is not able to deal with the challenges of today’s interdependent world”, he told mayors and policy makers of the EU. “Problems like climate change or terrorism don’t respect borders.”
According to Barber cities are much more successful than states when dealing with, say, environmental issues. While countries have failed to agree on the reduction of CO2-emissions, cities book results improving transportation and housing. In Barber’s vision mayors are pragmatists dealing with people’s actual problems, while states are regularly paralyzed by ideologies and party politics. “The state can shutdown, but a city cannot. Potholes and sewers need to be fixed immediately.”
To read Laurent’s article, head to The City Geek blog.