Admirers of Jacques Brel’s music will be thrilled – Brel! The Show will be playing in Brussels from 9 – 11 May and in Liege on 12 May. Created and directed by Gil Marsalla, from Nice, and performed by the Belgian Olivier Laurent, this tribute show to the great Jacques has already taken the world by storm.
Many are talking about him as if he has been brought back to life. On stage, Olivier Laurent does not imitate Brel, he is Brel, revisiting the lyrics of his greatest songs like his life depended on it. With this concert already performed over a hundred times in front of audience’s ecstatic or moved to tears, in Paris, Montreal, New York, Stockholm, Beirut, London or Dubai, it’s through his voice, passion, irony and sensitivity that the artist pays splendid tribute to the greatest French-language singer Belgium has ever known.

Accompanied by four exceptional musicians, he gives body and soul to capture the frenzied rhythm of La Valse à Mille temps, energetically and elegantly recreates Ces gens-là, Les Vieux or Les Bigotes. And even lets us (re)discover Voir un ami pleurer from the album Les Marquises, which Jacques Brel was too ill to have the time to sing on stage. A great blast of poetry and a veritable performance.
The show will take place at The Viage in Brussels on 9, 10 and 11 May and in Liege (Forum de Liège) on 12 May 2024. Get more info and secure your spot via the event website.