During the cosiest time of the year, everything revolves around dining, enjoying the company of family and friends, and magical decorations. This season, internationally renowned Belgian flower house Daniel Ost will do a festive takeover of the Village over the Christmas period, as part of the Boldly Belgian campaign, in which Belgian talent is offered a platform. Throughout the Village, several spots will be decorated by the flowerhouse, with the 10-metre-high Christmas tree as the pièce de résistance.
An ode to tradition and conviviality
This year, Maasmechelen Village will celebrate a traditional Christmas in which the colours green, red and gold play a leading part, together with natural materials such as berries, branches of various flowers and shrubs.
For this magical occasion, the Daniel Ost team was asked to add their world-renowned touch to the decorations in the Village. In the Ost family home, the Christmas period is dedicated to tradition and cosiness.
As a child, daughter Nele and her brother were also responsible for decorating their own family tree at home, which was always very traditional, with ornaments they collected and kept for decades. This nostalgic atmosphere is translated into this year’s decorations at Maasmechelen Village.
In addition to the traditional Christmas tree, there will be a small forest with thousands of lights where you can take the perfect photo for Instagram. At Concierge Services, you can not only enjoy hands-free shopping but also discover the tree with non-conventional decorations. In turn, the decorations in The Apartment, Maasmechelen Village’s VIP area where you can enjoy some personal shopping and a glass of bubbly, are Japanese-inspired. The Apartment’s private garden unites Western style and Japanese design.
At this very spot, the relationship between Daniel Ost and Maasmechelen Village started just a year ago, with the creation of this discreet, green oasis. Like Daniël Ost’s other creations, the garden is Japanese-inspired. The flower house is renowned worldwide for their floral art and botanical art projects, it is the ultimate representation of Belgian style and savoir-faire with international allure.
A sustainable Christmas
The trees themselves come from Denmark and for every tree that was cut down, a new one is planted. Daniel Ost works with sustainable suppliers wherever possible, both for the flowers, plants and trees. This particular supplier of Christmas trees has signed a charter with a declaration that they will try to compensate their ‘footprint’ as much as possible. For instance, by offering only native – and climate-resistant trees. This means that for every tree they uproot, a new one is planted. With the intention of keeping the greenery in balance.
Boldly Belgian
The collaboration is part of Boldly Belgian, Maasmechelen Village’s campaign that highlights Belgian creativity. Which previously allowed us to enjoy ‘Love Imperfection’, a Village takeover with creations by Her Royal Highness Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg.
As part of our partnership with Maasmechelen Village, WeLoveBrussels readers can join a special Christmas Shopping Experience event on 9 December – click here for more details. Cannot make it? Our readers can also benefit from a complimentary Shopping Express from Brussels by using the code MVPRFREE. You can book here the shuttle from the city centre and enjoy a day trip with unique Christmas shopping atmosphere!
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