Lionel Jadot and Zaventem Ateliers presented an entirely new creation – BLEND, a tabouret made up of thousands of pieces of waste, residues of production from workshops resident in Zaventem Ateliers.
The production falls of each workshop were meticulously crushed and mixed with a binder to produce a stool, each time different, not in its form but in its composition.

It brings together the extraordinary fragments produced by all the workshops, leather, brass, glass, ceramics, resin, foam, glitter, wood… Every workshop keeps all its waste religiously and the company RENEWI, helps to grind it. This project will be renewed every year, only the colour of the binder will change.
Zaventem Atelier is a creative hive of 32 workshops, each creative figure produces extraordinary, unique, challenging.
This place gathers and amplifies energy thanks to the combined talents. The BLEND tabouret symbolizes this energy.

Zaventem Ateliers
Fabriekstraat 15/19 – 1930 Zaventem
Workshops can be visited by appointment
+32 (0)2 210 93 60.