This is a story about creating fashion accessories while at the same time contributing to the social economy in Brussels. François Cardona, stylist, who began his career at Balenciaga, wanted to combine his sensitivity with supporting people with disabilities and socio-professional integration workshops to found 21A, an ethical and responsible fashion accessories brand.

Concerned about ecology, 21A collaborates with Bruxelles-Propreté, Net-Brussel, re-using defective uniforms and creates totes bags. The clothing is produced by Latifa, Fé, Magda, Najat, Remzi, Manon, Redouane from the Adapted Work Company L’Ouvroir in Brussels.
The fruit of this collaboration integrates people with disabilities into an active life focused on the creation of a fashion collection, while cultivating self-fulfillment. A touch of fluorescence in the lives of each of them and a contribution to the social and circular economy of our city.