Almine Rech is pleased to present “Water Always Moves On,” a group exhibition that will take place in the Brussels gallery from June 12 – August 1, 2020.
Divided into three parts, this eclectic selection connects artworks by six artists with different backgrounds and practices. It brings together the classical and the new, moving from paintings with digital aesthetics and classical subjects such as nudes and vanitas themes to paintings whose style evokes Piero della Francesca or Paul Klee.
Various artistic movements are reinterpreted, such as Chris Succo’s ultra-contemporary take on New-Expressionism, Christian Hidaka’s playing with boundaries, Anthony Miler’s surrealism, or the artificial realism of César Piette’s paintings. The theme of clothing recurs throughout art history: the fold recalls the fundamental subject of drapery in painting and sculpture. Charlotte Beaudry’s skirts, scarves, and jeans are another way to treat three-dimensionality and curved lines.
Water Always Moves On
Gioele Amaro, Charlotte Beaudry, Christian Hidaka, Anthony Miler, César Piette, Chris Succo
June 12 — August 01, 2020, Brussels
For the safety of visitors and staff, masks must be worn for entry to the gallery.