Our @welovebrussels instagram account just got much better! 🙂 Popular Insta stories that are shared on our channel are grouped in different categories. From now, we have beautiful Brussels illustrations that are used as icons for each of different story collections.
The illustrations are done by Maria Koleva who runs instagram account @mokaroka. She was tasked with illustrating our story collections and we love the way it turned out! WeLoveBrussels instagram channel is one of the most popular in Brussels. It has 41.600 followers and gets more than 1 million impressions every month.
We asked Maria to portray our Brussels lifestyle through her illustrations and we love the final result! If you want to learn more about Maria’s work and services, visit her personal website.
Illustrated by Maria Koleva (mokaroka.com) Illustrated by Maria Koleva (mokaroka.com) Illustrated by Maria Koleva (mokaroka.com) Illustrated by Maria Koleva (mokaroka.com) Illustrated by Maria Koleva (mokaroka.com) Illustrated by Maria Koleva (mokaroka.com) Illustrated by Maria Koleva (mokaroka.com)
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