We asked Serbian-born theatre maker and performer Sanja Mitrović who now lives in Brussels, about her favorite place in Brussels:
I like Dudenpark at lot. Spread across the hills of Vorst, it offers beautiful views of the Brussels skyline.One of my favourite spots in the park is a castle which currently houses one of the oldest film schools in Belgium. The park is also home to the football club Union Sint-Gills. A few years ago I collaborated with their supporters for my work Do You Still Love Me? Joseph Marienstadion, their home pitch, is a great place to spend a Sunday, watch a game and hang out with a bunch of passionate and engaging people. The stadium is small and a bit old fashioned, which only adds to its charm, and it has a great bar, typical Brussels-style. There’s a very strong sense of community, so the atmosphere is relaxed and welcoming.
You can admire the work of Sanja Mitrović at KVS soon where she will show her newest play My Revolution Is Better Than Yours.
The play is inspired by the protests of ’68 as one of the first genuinely global phenomena, its potential legacies, as well as perceptions of this turbulent period from half a century’s distance. Based on the wealth of archive materials and testimonies of the events’ participants from different countries, Sanja Mitrović’s new production considers the breadth of lived experience and historical amnesia, the effects of words and the meaning of actions, and the possibility of remembrance and commemoration. Unfolding through a constellation of characters, ideas, images, and statements which relay the fragmented character of the era, My Revolution Is Better Than Yours lets the complexity of ’68 reverberate with the current situation. Are the revolutionary ideals confined to the dustbin of history and marketing slogans of global corporations, or do they still to talk to our experience today?
If you’d like to attend the newest creation of Sanja Mitrović , come to KVS on the 14th or 15th of December for the Belgian premiere of My Revolution Is Better Than Yours.
KVS is offering three pairs of free tickets for My Revolution Is Better Than Yours on the 15th of December to readers of WeLoveBrussels. For a chance to win, send an email to info@kvs.be